Labor Relations and Trade Unions: "Learning about Unions in English at Tôn Đức Thắng University, Việt Nam exist many difficulties"

Learning about Unions in English at Tôn Đức Thắng University, Việt Nam exist many difficulties.
In the context of global cooperation, TPP is in the process of negotiations. It's very hard to know exactly how TPP will affect laborers in Vietnam.
Learning about  union in English becomes very difficult, because we do not have any specialized English dictionaries to study, access and research union organizations of the world. We just have one teacher, Mrs Vinh, who teach us in English.
Currently, the Labor and trade union departments at Tôn Đức Thắng University have only 4 teachers and over 500 students who study in English. Their areas of study are:
Organizational behavior
Personality psychology
Social benefits and compensation
The Art of Leadership
Vietnam laws and stipulations of trade unions
Labor and trade union overview
Bargaining skills between unions and employers
Social Insurance
Labor relation strategy
Cross culture management
Labor law
Labor contract and collective bargaining agreements
Team work skills
Trade union and labor relations
Public relation principles
Industrial and labor relations
Public speaking skill
Labor disputes resolution
Conflict management
Community mobilization
Labor relation principles
Public communication
Information in labor relation

Practicing English skills to access the development of trade unions around the world opens both big opportunities and big challenges for our students. Expanding relationship and exchanges between students, lecturers and professors from around the world is the fastest and best way for us to be able to learn more about global Union. Thus, we are open to our friend and academics across world and treasure all collaboration opportunities.


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