Connecting Union Around the World

Ho Chi Minh city, 2/4/2016
Last night, I had a wonderful time with:
Katie Quan-a senior labor specialist at the UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education;
Murray Gregor-teacher come from Canada-work for ILO right now; Vy and An.
We enjoyed dinner, coffee at Union's Coffee shop and talked about how to learn Union at Ton Duc Thang University, TPP, Strike, Labor Relation in the US, Canada and also VietNam. We also considered with the master's program at the University of Massachusetts, Rutgers University,
San Fransisco State University, Cornell University, Michigan State University...
Murray Gregor introduced to me a wonderful website with more than a thousand conferences by different experts on Labor Relation issues, It is: website of his School of Industrial Relations: Quan talked about her job, her Research Articles in China next time...
That was very pleasure to meet them to talk about unions.

Thanks for Helena's introduction to Katie Quan.
Cao Nghia TDTU


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